This highly anticipated Show and Shine is one of a kind. All makes and models are welcome. Have you lost someone to suicide? With early registration, you can request a custom sign with your loved one to display on your car. Bring your family and friends for cars, DJ OTTO, Barrio Burgers, 50/50, raffles and so much fun!
See the great work being done through an innovative collaboration between Forever14 and Project Discovery; The Legacy Project
Forever14 was formed by a grieving family and a group of dedicated community members after the untimely passing of Caleb Stenvold at the tender age of 14. Caleb was a son, brother, student-athlete, and friend to all. Now he is “Forever14” and will never see what a bright future he had ahead of him...
Be the change. Help fund life-saving programs based on the CDC proven suicide prevention strategies of community engagement and peer support.
Are you a teen who wants to attend the Legacy Project?? or someone who wants to help plan connect events? Start here by telling us more about YOU!
We will tell your story Son, the story of good kid loved by many.
We miss you each and every day Caleb. You will never be forgotten.